The Group

Prof Phil King
Group Leader
Professor of Physics
Royal Society Research Fellow
Office: 207A
E-mail: philip.king@st-andrews.ac.uk
CV & Further Information

Sebastian Buchberger
PhD Student
joint with H. Zhang group, MPI-CPFS

Daniel Halliday
PhD Student
joint w/ P. Wahl, H. Hussain & C. Nicklin groups
Office: 132C
E-mail: drh7@st-andrews.ac.uk

Naina Kushwaha
PhD Student
joint with C. Sanders @ Artemis, CLF
Office: 132C
E-mail: nk217@st-andrews.ac.uk

Marieke Visscher
PhD Student
joint with Andy Mackenzie, MPI-CPFS

Yu-Chi Yao
PhD Student
joint with Haijing Zhang, MPI-CPFS

James Crosby
PhD student 2017-2024, now undertaking teacher training
Phil Murgatroyd
Postdoc 2021-2024, now postdoc at Los Alamos National Lab
Liam Trzaska
PhD student 2019-2024
Gesa Siemann
MSc and PhD student 2019-2024, postdoc 2024, now postdoc at Aarhus University
Brendan Edwards
PhD student 2019-2023, postdoc 2023-2024, now at Waymont Consulting Ltd
Anđela Živanović
PhD student 2019-2023
Tommas Antonelli
PhD student 2018-2022, postdoc 2022-2023, now postdoc at ETH Zurich and IBM
Edgar Abarca Morales
PhD student 2019-2023, now postdoc at Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden
Chiara Bigi
Postdoc 2020-2022, now beamline scientist at CASIOPEE beamline, SOLEIL synchrotron
Kaycee Underwood
PhD student 2017-2022, now postdoc at Peter Grünberg Institute, Jülich Forschungszentrum
Lewis Hart
Postdoc 2019-2022
Igor Marković
PhD student 2016-2020, postdoc 2020, now faculty at University of Birmingham
Federico Mazzola
Postdoc 2016-2020, now CNR Postdoctoral Fellow
Oliver Clark
PhD student 2014-2018, postdoc 2018-2020, now postdoc at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
Shoresh Soltani
Postdoc 2019-2020, now research engineer at Max-IV synchrotron
Matt Watson
Postdoc 2017-2019, now beamline scientist at I05 beamline, Diamond Light Source
Veronika Sunko
PhD student 2015 - 2019, now Miller Postdoctoral Fellow at UC Berkeley
Alisa Danilenko
MPhys project student 2018/19, now PhD student at Niels Bohr Institutet, University of Copenhagen
Deepnarayan Biswas
Postdoc 2015 - 2018, now beamline scientist at I09 beamline, Diamond Light Source
Andrew Hunter
MPhys project student 2017/18, now PhD student at University of Geneva
Lewis Bawden
PhD student 2013 - 2017, now postdoc at University of Amsterdam
Klara Volckaert
MPhys project student 2016/17, now PhD student at Aarhus University
Jon Riley
PhD student 2013 - 2017, now Senior Data Scientist at HealthyHealth
Jiagui Feng
Postdoc 2015 - 2017, now Assistant Professor at Suzhou Institue of Nano-Tech and Nanobionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Liam Collins-McIntyre
Postdoc 2015 - 2016, now Data Scientist at Credit Suisse
Georgina Houghton
MPhys project student 2016/17
Robert Webster
MPhys project student 2015/16, now PhD student at the University of Glasgow
Katie Bennett
BSc project student 2015/16
Tanachat Eknapakul (a.k.a. Tom)
Visiting PhD student from Meevasana group, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand 2014/15, now postdoc in Suranaree
Daniel Mayoh
MPhys project student 2014/15, now PhD student at the University of Warwick
Philippa Dunn
BSc project student 2014/15